Sunday, February 28

in a spirit of laziness,

i present you with a post ripped from erica's family's blog. to clarify, boating was last weekend on the 20th and oceanside preceded boating adventures by a week. also, following boating, erica and i went to the humane society and met a dog that we've been loving via the internet. he's an epileptic rat terrier by the name of alfie. so sweet.

ok, here's my theft:

Sunny days are rare this time of year in Portland, and we've had almost ten in a row! This is prompting a confusing response as cherry trees and flowers can be seen in full bloom. It looks like spring, it feels like spring, but we know better: there are surely a couple more months of rain in store. In reaction to what we know is fleeting, we're taking full advantage of this spring tease.

We took our new, yet to be named inflatable boat out for its maiden voyage on Saturday. The weather was perfect and we saw some beautiful birds. I also posted some photos from Presidents' weekend that we spent at the coast, which was the beginning of the sunny weather. There was a storm somewhere out at sea that caused the biggest waves I've seen in Oregon.

Breakfast on the boatBirdwatching
Bald eagle
Some kind of hawk
Blue Heron

Views from the A-frame we rented in Oceanside

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